Friday, July 10, 2009

I’m sitting across the street from Napavine High School waiting for Ed and Mike, in the shade. He made slow progress today because of the heat. We took a 1 hour break from 4 – 5pm due to the heat. The plan now is to get into Portland on Sunday. Wish this heat would let up some. Besides being slow, it has been eventful, but I’ll let him tell all about it, when he has recovered sufficiently and his brain is once again functioning.

It has been such a blessing to have Kim & Mike with us. Mike has ridden the entire way on his bike next to his dad. He carries a backpack filled with necessities: first aid kit, sports gels, snack bars, water etc. I am go very grateful he is here. Thanks, Mike, I love you!

Kim has been such a joy to have along on this trip. It is difficult for me to get in and out of the motorhome because of the way it is. And she has been so willing to get water or anything for me. She has run some with her dad, but not much because of the heat. She slept a lot the last couple of days, but who cares, she came whenever I needed anything. Thanks, Kim, I love you!

We're at an RV park with wi-fi. Exhausted doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight. As long as my legs don't cramp. Yeah, I know, why are my legs cramping, I'm not running. They are. Climbing in and out of the motorhome is not good on my body. I'm gonna eat some spaghetti and go to bed.

Here's Ed:

It was a hot one today, I was told by one of our RV neighbors it was 88 degrees when he pulled into the RV site earlier today.

That would explain why I could only cover 45 miles today. So out of three days this one has been the hottest. So far we have covered 121 miles and I am dead.

While running through Chehalis I found the only pot hole in the whole STP trail, and before you ask, yes I went down. I have a road rash as a souvenir. As well as a little heat stroke. I trust I will be well enough to run tomorrow. It is supposed to be another hot one.

Well then, until next time.


  1. Yea! ED! we are following your progress! All of the store came in after your interview with King5 the next day and said they saw you! Go Go go! Love, Kirsten and all of D.I. !

  2. Great Job. What an awesome example to so many. I know a good massage therapist when you get back. I am sure you will be needing one. Our wedding was great and Carol did one awesome job.


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