Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One day down - 3 + more to go

Well, the first day is done. And what a day it's been! Ed made the 5:30pm KING 5 news. Richard, a cameraman from KING 5, was waiting for us when we got to the corner of Denny and Broad streets. He filmed for about 15 - 20 minutes and then left to make sure he made the news.

Angela and Kim finally showed up about 5 minutes after Richard left. I got them on my camcorder and some still photos of them. They were excited to hug their dad and wish him well, then they went to an IMAX showing of Transformers. I wish one of them would have gone with me as I "chased" Ed down Broad then along Alaskan Way. The last I saw him was at the Coast Guard terminal! Then I LOST him! That's right, I couldn't find him! I was beyond upset, I was terrified that something had happened to him.

I found a safe place to pull off the road (a Taco Bell at the corner of Michigan and E. Marginal Way) and waited, and waited, and waited, and napped for a few minutes, and waited, and waited some more. I finally decided to back track on the route I thought he said he was going to take. So I went back towards Seattle, went up 1st Avenue but didn't see him, went back to Taco Bell and waited a few more minutes. I left again and went back towards Seattle, again, and went up 4th Avenue this time. I still didn't see him and so circled around AGAIN looking for him. by this time I was crying, praying, crying and praying. I called my girls and told them that I couldn't find their dad and to please pray. At the time I was talking to my girls, my son called and left a message wondering where dad was. I called him and told him through my tears that I couldn't find his dad. By this time 3 hours had passed and I just knew I had missed him somewhere along the way. So I proceeded to stick to the plan and follow the same route he would have taken.

I finally caught up to him at the Motor Travel Inn at Woodmont (about 260th for those familiar with the area)! I was never so glad to see anyone in my whole life! I just sobbed in relief. I must have slept longer that I thought there in the parking lot of Taco Bell.

Ed's turn:
Driving the route is a lot easier than running it. Come to think of it even mapping it out on the computer was easier. It all seemed so flat and easy.

It was good to have Angela, Kim, Elizabeth and Jenny in Seattle to send me on my way. Now leg one is complete. 23.64 miles in 4 hours 13 minutes. That included a few stops for water at Jack-in-the-Box and KFC and a twenty minute break once my wife caught up to me. I guess I ran faster than she could drive. HA, HA, HA.

She had me wondering what happened to her. I half expected to arrive home to have a message waiting for me stating that she got mugged in Seattle. I think there is too much time to think when your out on a long run. Oh the things the mind comes up with.

After a long soak in a cold tub of water and I'm almost ready to go again, maybe after a few hours of shut eye.

Before I started the run KING 5 TV interviewed me for the 5:30 News. One thing that made the run a little more enjoyable was when some guy pulled out of a tavern/diner on his motorcycle in Seatac right behind me. He hollerad out, "I just saw you on the news. Good Luck."

Now, that was awesome.

Tomorrow Mike will join me on his bike. I will enjoy the company. And Kim will also be coming along. She will provide me with music and the occasional running companionship.

A photographer from the Tacoma News Tribune will be meeting us along the route tomorrow morning. He will be taking pictures for the article that will appear over the weekend about our efforts to raise funds for the elementary track program.

Well, I think its time to head to bed. 5:00am comes bright and early. Even for us early worms. Especially after a nice long run.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. So tell this just Ed running or are there other people? I may have missed the details. Anyhow, keep up the good work and stay safe!!


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